script_name="DepCtrl Global Config" script_description="the future is now" script_author = "garret" script_version = "1.2.0" script_namespace = "garret.depctrl_config" local DependencyControl = require("l0.DependencyControl") local depctrl = DependencyControl { --feed="TODO", {"json"} } local json = depctrl:requireModules() local function get_bool(field, default) -- can't just do `field or default`, because the default might be true when field is false if field == nil then return default else return field end end local function get_log_level(num) if num == 0 then return "0: Fatal" elseif num == 1 then return "1: Error" elseif num == 2 then return "2: Warning" elseif num == 3 then return "3: Hint" elseif num == 4 then return "4: Debug" elseif num == 5 then return "5: Trace" end return nil end local function seconds_to_human(seconds) -- adapted from local years = math.floor(seconds / 31536000) local days = math.floor((seconds % 31536000) / 86400) local hours = math.floor(((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) / 3600) local minutes = math.floor((((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) % 3600) / 60) seconds = (((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) % 3600) % 60 --return years, days, hours, minutes, seconds local timestamp = "" if years ~= 0 then timestamp = timestamp..years.."y" end if days ~= 0 then timestamp = timestamp..days.."d" end if hours ~= 0 then timestamp = timestamp..hours.."h" end if minutes ~= 0 then timestamp = timestamp..minutes.."m" end if seconds ~= 0 then timestamp = timestamp..seconds.."s" end return timestamp end local function human_to_seconds(human) -- im sure this is hideously inefficient local years = (tonumber(human:match("(%d*)y")) or 0) * 31536000 local days = (tonumber(human:match("(%d*)d")) or 0) * 86400 local hours = (tonumber(human:match("(%d*)h")) or 0) * 3600 local minutes = (tonumber(human:match("(%d*)m")) or 0) * 60 local seconds = (tonumber(human:match("(%d*)s")) or 0) local res = years + days + hours + minutes + seconds return res end local function get_human_filesize(bytes) -- TODO return bytes end local function get_config(config) local defaults = {updaterEnabled = true, updateInterval = 302400, traceLevel = 3, tryAllFeeds = false, dumpFeeds = true, configDir = "?user/config", logMaxFiles = 200, logMaxAge = 604800, logMaxSize = 10 * (10 ^ 6), updateWaitTimeout = 60, updateOrphanTimeout = 600, logDir = "?user/log", writeLogs = true} local dialog = { { class="checkbox", name="updaterEnabled", x=0,y=0,width=2,height=1, label = "Enable Auto-updater", value=get_bool(config.updaterEnabled, defaults.updaterEnabled), }, { class="label", label="Update interval:", x=0,y=1,width=1,height=1, }, { class="edit", name = "updateInterval", x=1,y=1,width=1,height=1, value = seconds_to_human(config.updateInterval or defaults.updateInterval) }, { class="label", label="Log Level:", x=0,y=2,width=1,height=1, }, { class="dropdown", name="traceLevel", x=1,y=2,width=1,height=1, items={"0: Fatal", "1: Error", "2: Warning", "3: Hint", "4: Debug", "5: Trace"}, value=get_log_level(config.traceLevel) or "3: Hint", }, { class="checkbox", name="dumpFeeds", x=0,y=3,width=2,height=1, label = "Dump updater feeds to your Aegsiub folder (debug)", value=get_bool(config.dumpFeeds, defaults.dumpFeeds) }, { class="checkbox", name="tryAllFeeds", x=0,y=4,width=2,height=1, label = "Check all available feeds for an update", value=get_bool(config.tryAllFeeds, defaults.tryAllFeeds) }, { class="label", label="Config directory to offer automation scripts:", x=0,y=5,width=1,height=1 }, { class="edit", name="configDir", text=config.configDir or defaults.configDir, x=1,y=5,width=1,height=1 }, { class="checkbox", name="writeLogs", x=0,y=6,width=1,height=1, label = "Write log messages to:", value=get_bool(config.writeLogs, true) }, { class="edit", name="logDir", text=config.logDir or defaults.logDir, x=1,y=6,width=1,height=1 }, { class="label", label= "?user means " .. aegisub.decode_path("?user"), x=1,y=7,width=2,height=1 }, { class="label", label="Purge old updater log files when:", x=0,y=8,width=2,height=1 }, { class="label", label="File count reaches:", x=0,y=9,width=1,height=1 }, { class="intedit", name="logMaxFiles", x=1,y=9,width=1,height=1, value = config.logMaxFiles or defaults.logMaxFiles }, { class="label", label="File age reaches:", x=0,y=10,width=1,height=1, }, { class="edit", name="logMaxAge", x=1,y=10,width=1,height=1, value = seconds_to_human(config.logMaxAge or defaults.logMaxAge) }, { class="label", label="Cumulative file size (in bytes) reaches:", x=0,y=11,width=1,height=1, }, { class="intedit", name="logMaxSize", x=1,y=11,width=1,height=1, --value = get_human_filesize(config.logMaxSize or 10*(10^6)) value = config.logMaxSize or defaults.logMaxSize }, } local pressed, res = aegisub.dialog.display(dialog, {"Cancel", "Reset", "OK"}) if pressed == "Cancel" then aegisub.cancel() elseif pressed == "Reset" then return {} end res.traceLevel = tonumber(res.traceLevel:sub(1, 1)) res.updateInterval = human_to_seconds(res.updateInterval) res.logMaxAge = human_to_seconds(res.logMaxAge) res.extraFeeds = config.extraFeeds return res end local function split_by_newline(list) local strs = {} for i in list:gmatch("[^\n]+") do table.insert(strs, i) end return strs end local function get_feeds(config) local extraFeeds = config.extraFeeds or {} local feed_edit_string = table.concat(extraFeeds, "\n") or "" local dialog = { { class="label", x=0,y=0,width=1,height=1, label = "Extra Feeds:", }, { class="textbox", name = "feeds", x=0,y=1,width=20,height=15, text = feed_edit_string }, } local pressed, res = aegisub.dialog.display(dialog) if not pressed then aegisub.cancel() end config.extraFeeds = split_by_newline(res.feeds) return config end local function read_json(path) local file =, "r") local json = json.decode(file:read()) file:close() return json end local function write_json(path, table) local json = json.encode(table) local file =, "w") file:write(json) file:close() aegisub.log(3, "Done. You'll need to rescan your automation directory or restart aegisub for the changes to take effect.") end local function get_config_path() local path = depctrl:getConfigFileName() path = path:gsub(script_namespace, "l0.DependencyControl") aegisub.log(4, "config file: "..path.."\n") return path end local function change_config(new) -- i think i might be thinning out the soup a bit too much local config_path = get_config_path() local data = read_json(config_path) data.config = new(data.config) write_json(config_path, data) end local function global_config() change_config(get_config) end local function extra_feeds() change_config(get_feeds) end depctrl:registerMacro("DependencyControl/Global Configuration", "Lets you change DependencyControl settings.", global_config) depctrl:registerMacro("DependencyControl/Extra Feeds", "Lets you provide additional update feeds.", extra_feeds)