
depctrl feed maker

Makes DependencyControl update feeds for Aegisub automations, so you don't have to write all that JSON by hand.

xkcd 1319


you'll need Lua 5.1, LuaJSON, LuaFileSystem, argparse, Moonscript, and sha1. Currently you'll also need inspect, because I use it for debugging, and haven't bothered to get rid of the require yet.

Ubuntu install commands:

sudo apt install lua5.1 lua-json lua-filesystem lua-argparse lua-inspect luarocks
sudo luarocks install sha1 moonscript

I think that might install LuaFileSystem twice. Not entirely sure, pls boop if you have better commands.


Configuration is done via a Lua script. An example config is maintained in conf.lua.

To make a feed, run:

make-feed.lua --macros /path/to/your/macros/ --modules /path/to/your/modules/ --config /path/to/your/conf.lua --output /path/to/DependencyControl.json

You can omit --macros or --modules if you don't have any. You can omit both, but then you just get a feed with no scripts.

You can also omit --output, and the feed will output to DependencyControl.json. If you want to output to stdout, use --output /dev/stdout.

You may not omit --config. If you want to read it from stdin, use --config /dev/stdin.

--output and --config can be abbreviated to -o and -c respectively.

A word on security


Yes, this executes arbitrary code. No effort is made to prevent scripts from doing bad things. This shouldn't be a problem, however, because it's your arbitrary code. You wrote it, so you should know if it does bad things.

If you make scripts that do bad things, run them, and bad things happen, the only person you have to blame is yourself.