local function macro_ignore(macro) return macro.namespace == "garret.restyler" -- exclude a specific script end local function module_ignore(version) end -- most values mean the same thing as they would be in a DependencyControl feed, so will not be explained. -- DepCtrl docs (an oxymoron if i've ever heard one): https://github.com/TypesettingTools/DependencyControl/blob/master/README.md local conf = { name = "garret's aegisub scripts", description = "Little utilities for aegisub that make my life easier", maintainer = "garret", knownFeeds = {arch1 = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arch1t3cht/Aegisub-Scripts/main/DependencyControl.json"}, -- hash table of feeds you want to reference, but are not necessarily required by one of your scripts. baseUrl = "https://github.com/garret1317/aegisub-scripts/", url = "@{baseUrl}", scriptUrl = "@{baseUrl}#@{namespace}", -- the url for details about a script fileBaseUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/garret1317/aegisub-scripts/master", macros = { -- contains values referenced by feedmaker when processing macros. fileBaseUrl = "@{fileBaseUrl}/macros/@{namespace}", -- macro-specific fileBaseUrl, so you can store macros and modules differently ignoreCondition = macro_ignore, -- feedmaker ignores a macro if it matches the specified condition - that is, if the supplied function returns true. -- ignoreConditions are passed a table of details about the script. --TODO: which is defined in }, modules = { -- the same as the macros table, but for modules. fileBaseUrl = "@{fileBaseUrl}/modules/@{namespacePath}", ignoreCondition = module_ignore, -- module ignoreConditions are passed a similar table of details. }, fileUrl = "@{fileBaseUrl}@{fileName}", -- used as the `url` value in the files section of a macro/module. Where the actual file is. channel = "master" -- the default (and only) channel defined in the files section. It doesn't really matter what you put here. } return conf -- actually provide the config table to feedmaker