#!/usr/bin/env lua5.1 local json = require "json" local sha1 = require "sha1" local lfs = require "lfs" local inspect = require "inspect" --local argparse = require "argparse" --local parser = argparse() --local args = parser:parse() local args = {macro_dir = "/home/g/subs/automation-scripts/macros", config = "conf.lua", output = "DependencyControl.json"} local config = loadfile(args.config)() local function valid_namespace(name) --[[ #### Rules for a valid namespace: #### 1. contains _at least_ one dot 2. must **not** start or end with a dot 3. must **not** contain series of two or more dots 4. the character set is restricted to: `A-Z`, `a-z`, `0-9`, `.`, `_`, `-` __Examples__: * l0.ASSFoundation * l0.ASSFoundation.Common (for a separately version-controlled 'submodule') * l0.ASSWipe * a-mo.LineCollection ]] return name:match("^[^.][%a%d._-]*%.[%a%d._-]*[^.]$") ~= nil -- not 100% sure this works. it matches the examples, but idk if it matches invalid ones as well end local function clean_path(path, file) -- don't want to be pedantic about paths, but still don't want paths with // in them if path:sub(-1, -1) == "/" then path = path:sub(1, -2) end return path .. "/" .. file end local function join_itables(dst, src) if dst == nil then return src end if src == nil then return dst end for i, v in ipairs(src) do table.insert(dst, v) end return dst end local function join_ktables(dst, src) if dst == nil then return src end if src == nil then return dst end for k, v in pairs(src) do dst[k] = v end return dst end local function readfile(filename) local f = io.open(filename) local txt = f:read("*all") f:close() return txt end local function get_iso8601_date(time) return os.date("%Y-%m-%d", time) end local function output_writer(file) local is_file, f = pcall(io.open, file, "w") if is_file then return f end return io.stdout end local function err(msg) if type(msg) == "table" then msg = inspect(msg) end io.stderr:write(msg.."\n") end local function get_files(path) local files = {} for file in lfs.dir(path) do local name, extension = file:match("^(.*)%.(.*)$") -- anything.anything local absolute = clean_path(path, file) if file == "." or file == ".." then -- silently skip dir and 1-level-up dir elseif pcall(lfs.dir, absolute) then file = join_itables(files, get_files(absolute)) -- search recursively elseif extension ~= "lua" then err(absolute .. ": not a lua file, skipping") elseif not valid_namespace(name) then err(absolute .. ": invalid namespace, skipping") else table.insert(files, absolute) end end return files end local function get_metadata(file) local meta = {filename = nil, name = nil, description = nil, version = nil, author = nil, namespace = nil, depctrl = nil, sha1 = nil, release = nil} -- having all those nils in the table doesn't really do anything in terms of functionality, but it lets me see what i need to put in it meta.filename = file meta.sha1 = sha1.sha1(readfile(file)) meta.release = get_iso8601_date(lfs.attributes(file, "modification")) loadfile(file)() -- script_name etc are now in our global scope if config.ignoreCondition() then err(file .. ": ignored by config, skipping") return nil end meta.name = script_name meta.description = script_description meta.version = script_version meta.author = script_author meta.namespace = script_namespace meta.depctrl = __feedmaker_version return meta end local function clean_depctrl(depctrl) local required = {} local feeds = {} if #depctrl == 0 then return nil end for _, mod in ipairs(depctrl) do if type(mod[1]) ~= "string" then mod = mod[1] end local modname = mod[1] mod["moduleName"] = modname mod[1] = nil table.insert(required, mod) feeds[modname] = mod["feed"] end return required, feeds end local function make_feed(macros) local feed = { dependencyControlFeedFormatVersion = "0.3.0", name = config.name, description = config.description, knownFeeds = config.knownFeeds, baseUrl = config.baseUrl, url = config.url, maintainer = config.maintainer, fileBaseUrl = config.fileBaseUrl, macros = {} } for _, script in ipairs(macros) do local macro = {url = config.scriptUrl, author = script.author, name = script.name, description = script.description, channels = {}} local channel_info = {version = script.version, released = script.release, default = true, files = {}} local requiredModules, feeds = clean_depctrl(script.depctrl) feed.knownFeeds = join_ktables(feed.knownFeeds, feeds) channel_info.requiredModules = requiredModules table.insert(channel_info.files, {name = ".lua", url = config.fileUrl, sha1 = script.sha1}) macro.channels[config.channel] = channel_info feed.macros[script.namespace] = macro end return json.encode(feed) end local function main() local files = get_files(args.macro_dir) local meta = {} for _, file in ipairs(files) do table.insert(meta, get_metadata(file)) end local feed = make_feed(meta) local out = output_writer(args.output) out:write(feed) out:close() end main()