This repository contains a plugin package for [yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp#readme).
See [yt-dlp plugins](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp#plugins) for more details.
# yt-dlp-rajiko
This plugin adds an improved [radiko](https://radiko.jp) extractor to yt-dlp.
It bypasses radiko's geo-block using the same technique as the [rajiko](https://github.com/jackyzy823/rajiko/) browser extension by jackyzy823 (from which this plugin gets its name). You can read their write-up (in Chinese) [here](https://jackyzy823.github.io/tech/battle-with-radiko.html).
More metadata is extracted for timefree programmes, including tracklists (as chapters).
Only the station metadata is extracted for live streams, not the programme that's airing at the time.
You should use `-N` (multi-threaded download) to increase download speed for timefree programmes.
You can somewhat automate downloading programmes by using the search page.
For instance, if I wanted all episodes of JET STREAM from K-MIX, i'd search for `jet stream` with the region set to Shizuoka (`JP22`). I'd also filter for just timefree, to avoid needlessly extracting yet-to-air programmes.
Personally, I have a shell script with a load of search URLs that are piped to yt-dlp. I run this script when I want to download new episodes of the programmes I listen to.
An effort is made to support share links and radiko embeds. However, I don't use these features often myself, so they don't recieve regular testing. Issues are welcome.
This extractor uses an API key obtained by reverse-engineering the radiko mobile app. As such, I've been advised that it would be risky to merge it into yt-dlp proper.
## Extractor args
You can choose which device's streams to extract with the `device` extractor arg.
For instance, `--extractor-args radikotimefree:device=pc_html5` would extract the website's streams.
Known devices:
- `pc_html5` - the website. has every stream provider.
- `aSmartPhone5`, `aSmartPhone6`, `aSmartPhone6a`, `aSmartPhone7a`, `aSmartPhone7`, `pc_1` - old mobile apps, + old website. "happy path" streams.
- `MobileWebTrial` - current mobile site.
- `aSmartPhone8` - current mobile app.
- `xExternalWebStations` - embedded players on stations' websites. same streams as `aSmartPhone8`, though the api response isn't exactly the same.
The default is `aSmartPhone7a` as its streams are always the "happy path".
Ideally you shouldn't need to use this, it's just to make investigating new devices easier.
## Installation
Requires yt-dlp `2023.01.02` or above.
You can install this package with pip:
python3 -m pip install -U https://github.com/garret1317/yt-dlp-rajiko/archive/master.zip
but i don't update the version number ever, so i'm not sure how well that'll work when you need to update
See [installing yt-dlp plugins](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp#installing-plugins) for the other methods this plugin package can be installed.
## Acknowledgements
The mobile spoofing code is based heavily on the [rajiko](https://github.com/jackyzy823/rajiko/) browser extension by jackyzy823, released under the Unlicense.
In particular, the fake phone details and GPS coordinate generation code was copied almost verbatim, with just a few changes for python syntax.
And of course, the mobile API key itself, without which this extractor would not have been possible, was originally obtained by jackyzy823.
The authentication code, and some parts of the metadata extraction, were adapted from [yt-dlp's radiko extractor](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/d1795f4a6af99c976c9d3ea2dabe5cf4f8965d3c/yt_dlp/extractor/radiko.py), which was primarily authored by Lesmiscore (also released under the Unlicense).