import base64
import datetime
import random
import urllib.parse

import pkgutil

from yt_dlp.extractor.common import InfoExtractor
from yt_dlp.networking.exceptions import HTTPError
from yt_dlp.utils import (

import yt_dlp_plugins.extractor.radiko_time as rtime

class _RadikoBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
	_FULL_KEY =  pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "radiko_aSmartPhone7a.bin")

		# source:
			# data source (capital of prefectures):
			# data source : jp.radiko.Player.V6FragmentAreaCheck.freeloc_init
		"JP1":  [43.064615, 141.346807], "JP2":  [40.824308, 140.739998], "JP3":  [39.703619, 141.152684],
		"JP4":  [38.268837, 140.8721],   "JP5":  [39.718614, 140.102364], "JP6":  [38.240436, 140.363633],
		"JP7":  [37.750299, 140.467551], "JP8":  [36.341811, 140.446793], "JP9":  [36.565725, 139.883565],
		"JP10": [36.390668, 139.060406], "JP11": [35.856999, 139.648849], "JP12": [35.605057, 140.123306],
		"JP13": [35.689488, 139.691706], "JP14": [35.447507, 139.642345], "JP15": [37.902552, 139.023095],
		"JP16": [36.695291, 137.211338], "JP17": [36.594682, 136.625573], "JP18": [36.065178, 136.221527],
		"JP19": [35.664158, 138.568449], "JP20": [36.651299, 138.180956], "JP21": [35.391227, 136.722291],
		"JP22": [34.97712, 138.383084],  "JP23": [35.180188, 136.906565], "JP24": [34.730283, 136.508588],
		"JP25": [35.004531, 135.86859],  "JP26": [35.021247, 135.755597], "JP27": [34.686297, 135.519661],
		"JP28": [34.691269, 135.183071], "JP29": [34.685334, 135.832742], "JP30": [34.225987, 135.167509],
		"JP31": [35.503891, 134.237736], "JP32": [35.472295, 133.0505],   "JP33": [34.661751, 133.934406],
		"JP34": [34.39656, 132.459622],  "JP35": [34.185956, 131.470649], "JP36": [34.065718, 134.55936],
		"JP37": [34.340149, 134.043444], "JP38": [33.841624, 132.765681], "JP39": [33.559706, 133.531079],
		"JP40": [33.606576, 130.418297], "JP41": [33.249442, 130.299794], "JP42": [32.744839, 129.873756],
		"JP43": [32.789827, 130.741667], "JP44": [33.238172, 131.612619], "JP45": [31.911096, 131.423893],
		"JP46": [31.560146, 130.557978], "JP47": [26.2124, 127.680932],

	_MODELS = [
	# Samsung galaxy s7+
	"SC-02H", "SCV33", "SM-G935F", "SM-G935X", "SM-G935W8", "SM-G935K", "SM-G935L", "SM-G935S", "SAMSUNG-SM-G935A", "SM-G935VC", "SM-G9350", "SM-G935P", "SM-G935T", "SM-G935U", "SM-G935R4", "SM-G935V", "SC-02J", "SCV36", "SM-G950F", "SM-G950N", "SM-G950W", "SM-G9500", "SM-G9508", "SM-G950U", "SM-G950U1", "SM-G892A", "SM-G892U", "SC-03J", "SCV35", "SM-G955F", "SM-G955N", "SM-G955W", "SM-G9550", "SM-G955U", "SM-G955U1", "SM-G960F", "SM-G960N", "SM-G9600", "SM-G9608", "SM-G960W", "SM-G960U", "SM-G960U1", "SM-G965F", "SM-G965N", "SM-G9650", "SM-G965W", "SM-G965U", "SM-G965U1",
	# samsung galaxy note
	"SC-01J", "SCV34", "SM-N930F", "SM-N930X", "SM-N930K", "SM-N930L", "SM-N930S", "SM-N930R7", "SAMSUNG-SM-N930A", "SM-N930W8", "SM-N9300", "SGH-N037", "SM-N930R6", "SM-N930P", "SM-N930VL", "SM-N930T", "SM-N930U", "SM-N930R4", "SM-N930V", "SC-01K", "SCV37", "SM-N950F", "SM-N950N", "SM-N950XN", "SM-N950U", "SM-N9500", "SM-N9508", "SM-N950W", "SM-N950U1",
	"WX06K", "404KC", "503KC", "602KC", "KYV32", "E6782", "KYL22", "WX04K", "KYV36", "KYL21", "302KC", "KYV36", "KYV42", "KYV37", "C5155", "SKT01", "KYY24", "KYV35", "KYV41", "E6715", "KYY21", "KYY22", "KYY23", "KYV31", "KYV34", "KYV38", "WX10K", "KYL23", "KYV39", "KYV40",
	# sony xperia z series
	"C6902", "C6903", "C6906", "C6916", "C6943", "L39h", "L39t", "L39u", "SO-01F", "SOL23", "D5503", "M51w", "SO-02F", "D6502", "D6503", "D6543", "SO-03F", "SGP511", "SGP512", "SGP521", "SGP551", "SGP561", "SO-05F", "SOT21", "D6563", "401SO", "D6603", "D6616", "D6643", "D6646", "D6653", "SO-01G", "SOL26", "D6603", "D5803", "D5833", "SO-02G", "D5803", "D6633", "D6683", "SGP611", "SGP612", "SGP621", "SGP641", "E6553", "E6533", "D6708", "402SO", "SO-03G", "SOV31", "SGP712", "SGP771", "SO-05G", "SOT31", "E6508", "501SO", "E6603", "E6653", "SO-01H", "SOV32", "E5803", "E5823", "SO-02H", "E6853", "E6883", "SO-03H", "E6833", "E6633", "E6683", "C6502", "C6503", "C6506", "L35h", "SOL25", "C5306", "C5502", "C5503", "601SO", "F8331", "F8332", "SO-01J", "SOV34", "G8141", "G8142", "G8188", "SO-04J", "701SO", "G8341", "G8342", "G8343", "SO-01K", "SOV36", "G8441", "SO-02K", "602SO", "G8231", "G8232", "SO-03J", "SOV35",
	# sharp
	"605SH", "SH-03J", "SHV39", "701SH", "SH-M06",
	# fujitsu arrows
	"101F", "201F", "202F", "301F", "IS12F", "F-03D", "F-03E", "M01", "M305", "M357", "M555", "M555", "F-11D", "F-06E", "EM01F", "F-05E", "FJT21", "F-01D", "FAR70B", "FAR7", "F-04E", "F-02E", "F-10D", "F-05D", "FJL22", "ISW11F", "ISW13F", "FJL21", "F-074", "F-07D",

	# range detail :

	# build number :
		#!/info/2558 - minimum after 2022-08-24 is android 7
		{"version": "7.0.0", "sdk": "24", "builds": ["NBD92Q", "NBD92N", "NBD92G", "NBD92F", "NBD92E", "NBD92D", "NBD91Z", "NBD91Y", "NBD91X", "NBD91U", "N5D91L", "NBD91P", "NRD91K", "NRD91N", "NBD90Z", "NBD90X", "NBD90W", "NRD91D", "NRD90U", "NRD90T", "NRD90S", "NRD90R", "NRD90M"]},
		{"version": "7.1.0", "sdk": "25", "builds": ["NDE63X", "NDE63V", "NDE63U", "NDE63P", "NDE63L", "NDE63H"]},
		{"version": "7.1.1", "sdk": "25", "builds": ["N9F27M", "NGI77B", "N6F27M", "N4F27P", "N9F27L", "NGI55D", "N4F27O", "N8I11B", "N9F27H", "N6F27I", "N4F27K", "N9F27F", "N6F27H", "N4F27I", "N9F27C", "N6F27E", "N4F27E", "N6F27C", "N4F27B", "N6F26Y", "NOF27D", "N4F26X", "N4F26U", "N6F26U", "NUF26N", "NOF27C", "NOF27B", "N4F26T", "NMF27D", "NMF26X", "NOF26W", "NOF26V", "N6F26R", "NUF26K", "N4F26Q", "N4F26O", "N6F26Q", "N4F26M", "N4F26J", "N4F26I", "NMF26V", "NMF26U", "NMF26R", "NMF26Q", "NMF26O", "NMF26J", "NMF26H", "NMF26F"]},
		{"version": "7.1.2", "sdk": "25", "builds": ["N2G48H", "NZH54D", "NKG47S", "NHG47Q", "NJH47F", "N2G48C", "NZH54B", "NKG47M", "NJH47D", "NHG47O", "N2G48B", "N2G47Z", "NJH47B", "NJH34C", "NKG47L", "NHG47N", "N2G47X", "N2G47W", "NHG47L", "N2G47T", "N2G47R", "N2G47O", "NHG47K", "N2G47J", "N2G47H", "N2G47F", "N2G47E", "N2G47D"]},
		{"version": "8.0.0", "sdk": "26", "builds": ["5650811", "5796467", "5948681", "6107732", "6127070"]},
		{"version": "8.1.0", "sdk": "27", "builds": ["5794017", "6107733", "6037697"]},
		{"version": "9.0.0", "sdk": "28", "builds": ["5948683", "5794013", "6127072"]},
		{"version": "10.0.0", "sdk": "29", "builds": ["5933585", "6969601", "7023426", "7070703"]},
		{"version": "11.0.0", "sdk": "30", "builds": ["RP1A.201005.006", "RQ1A.201205.011", "RQ1A.210105.002"]},
		{"version": "12.0.0", "sdk": "31", "builds": ["SD1A.210817.015.A4", "SD1A.210817.019.B1", "SD1A.210817.037", "SQ1D.220105.007"]},

	_APP_VERSIONS = ["7.5.0", "7.4.17", "7.4.16", "7.4.15", "7.4.14", "7.4.13", "7.4.12", "7.4.11", "7.4.10", "7.4.9", "7.4.8", "7.4.7", "7.4.6", "7.4.5", "7.4.4", "7.4.3", "7.4.2", "7.4.1", "7.4.0", "7.3.8", "7.3.7", "7.3.6", "7.3.1", "7.3.0", "7.2.11", "7.2.10"]


	_has_tf30 = None

	def _index_regions(self):
		region_data = {}

		tree = self._download_xml("", None, note="Indexing regions")
		for stations in tree:
			for station in stations:
				area = station.find("area_id").text
				station_id = station.find("id").text
				region_data[station_id] = area"rajiko", "region_index", region_data)
		return region_data

	def _get_coords(self, area_id):
		latlong = self._COORDINATES[area_id]
		lat = latlong[0]
		long = latlong[1]
		# +/- 0 ~ 0.025 --> 0 ~ 1.5' ->  +/-  0 ~ 2.77/2.13km
		lat = lat + random.random() / 40.0 * (random.choice([1, -1]))
		long = long + random.random() / 40.0 * (random.choice([1, -1]))
		coords = f"{round(lat, 6)},{round(long, 6)},gps"
		return coords

	def _generate_random_info(self):
		version_info = random.choice(self._ANDROID_VERSIONS)
		android_version = version_info["version"]
		sdk = version_info["sdk"]
		build = random.choice(version_info["builds"])
		model = random.choice(self._MODELS)

		info = {
			"X-Radiko-App": "aSmartPhone7a",
			"X-Radiko-App-Version": random.choice(self._APP_VERSIONS),
			"X-Radiko-Device": f"{sdk}.{model}",
			"X-Radiko-User": ''.join(random.choices('0123456789abcdef', k=32)),
			"User-Agent": f"Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android {android_version};{model}/{build})",
		return info

	def _get_station_region(self, station):
		regions = self.cache.load("rajiko", "region_index")
		if regions is None or station not in regions:
			self.write_debug(f"station {station} not found, re-indexing in case it's new")
			regions = self._index_regions()

		return regions[station]

	def _negotiate_token(self, station_region):
		device_info = self._generate_random_info()
		response, auth1_handle = self._download_webpage_handle("", None,
			"Authenticating: step 1", headers=device_info)


		auth1_response_headers = auth1_handle.headers
		auth_token = auth1_response_headers["X-Radiko-AuthToken"]

		key_length = int(auth1_response_headers["X-Radiko-KeyLength"])
		key_offset = int(auth1_response_headers["X-Radiko-KeyOffset"])
		self.write_debug(f"KeyLength: {key_length}")
		self.write_debug(f"KeyOffset: {key_offset}")

		raw_partial_key = self._FULL_KEY[key_offset:key_offset + key_length]
		partial_key = base64.b64encode(raw_partial_key).decode("ascii")

		coords = self._get_coords(station_region)
		auth2_headers = {
			"X-Radiko-AuthToken": auth_token,
			"X-Radiko-Location": coords,
			"X-Radiko-Connection": random.choice(("wifi", "mobile",)),
			"X-Radiko-Partialkey": partial_key,

		auth2 = self._download_webpage("", station_region,
			"Authenticating: step 2", headers=auth2_headers)
		actual_region, region_kanji, region_english = auth2.split(",")

		region_mismatch = actual_region != station_region
		if region_mismatch:
			self.report_warning(f"Region mismatch: Expected {station_region}, got {actual_region}. Coords: {coords}.")
			self.report_warning("Please report this at")

		auth_data = {
			"token": {
				"X-Radiko-AreaId": actual_region,
				"X-Radiko-AuthToken": auth_token,
			"user": auth2_headers["X-Radiko-User"],
			"has_tf30": self._has_tf30,

		if not region_mismatch:"rajiko", station_region, auth_data)
		return auth_data

	def _auth(self, station_region, need_tf30=False):
		cachedata = self.cache.load("rajiko", station_region)
		if cachedata is not None:
			if need_tf30 and not cachedata.get("has_tf30"):
				self.write_debug("Cached token doesn't have timefree 30, getting a new one")
				return self._negotiate_token(station_region)

			auth_headers = cachedata.get("token")
			response = self._download_webpage("", station_region, "Checking cached token",
				headers=auth_headers, expected_status=401)
			if response == "OK":
				return cachedata
		return self._negotiate_token(station_region)

	def _get_station_meta(self, region, station_id):
		cachedata = self.cache.load("rajiko", station_id)
		now =
		if cachedata is None or cachedata.get("expiry") < now.timestamp():
			region = self._download_xml(f"{region}.xml", station_id,
				note="Downloading station metadata")
			station = region.find(f'.//station/id[.="{station_id}"]/..')  # a <station> with an <id> of our station_id
			station_name = station.find("name").text
			station_url = url_or_none(station.find("href").text)
			meta = {
				"id": station_id,
				"title": station_name,
				"alt_title": station.find("ascii_name").text,

				"channel": station_name,
				"channel_id": station_id,
				"channel_url": station_url,

				"uploader": station_name,
				"uploader_id": station_id,
				"uploader_url": station_url,

				"thumbnail": url_or_none(station.find("banner").text),
			}"rajiko", station_id, {
				"expiry": (now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).timestamp(),
				"meta": meta
			return meta

		self.to_screen(f"{station_id}: Using cached station metadata")
		return cachedata.get("meta")

	def _get_station_formats(self, station, timefree, auth_data, start_at=None, end_at=None, tf30_override=False):
		config_device = traverse_obj(self._configuration_arg('device', casesense=True, ie_key="rajiko"), 0)

		if not tf30_override:
			device = config_device or "aSmartPhone7a"  # this device only gives us the on-demand one for timefree
			# that's good imo - we just get the one that works, and don't bother with probing the rest as well
			device = config_device or "pc_html5" # the on-demand one doesnt work with timefree30 stuff sadly
			# so just use pc_html5 which has everything

		url_data = self._download_xml(f"{device}/{station}.xml",
			station, note=f"Downloading {device} stream information")

		seen_urls = []
		formats = []

		timefree_int = 1 if timefree else 0
		for element in url_data.findall(f".//url[@timefree='{timefree_int}'][@areafree='0']/playlist_create_url"):
		# find <url>s with matching timefree and no areafree, then get their <playlist_create_url>
			url = element.text
			if url in seen_urls:  # there are always dupes, even with ^ specific filtering

			playlist_url = update_url_query(url, {
					"station_id": station,
					"l": "15",  # l = length, ie how many seconds in the live m3u8 (max 300)
					"lsid": auth_data["user"],
					"type": "b",  # it is a mystery

			if timefree:
				playlist_url = update_url_query(playlist_url, {
					"start_at": start_at.timestring(),
					"ft": start_at.timestring(),

					"end_at": end_at.timestring(),
					"to": end_at.timestring(),

			domain = urllib.parse.urlparse(playlist_url).netloc

			# defaults
			delivered_live = True
			preference = -1
			entry_protocol = 'm3u8'

			if domain in self._DOESNT_WORK_WITH_FFMPEG:
				self.write_debug(f"skipping {domain} (known not working)")
			if domain in self._DELIVERED_ONDEMAND:
				# override the defaults for delivered as on-demand
				delivered_live = False
				preference = 1
				entry_protocol = None

			formats += self._extract_m3u8_formats(
				playlist_url, station, m3u8_id=domain, fatal=False, headers=auth_data["token"],
				live=delivered_live, preference=preference, entry_protocol=entry_protocol,
				note=f"Downloading m3u8 information from {domain}")
		return formats

class RadikoLiveIE(_RadikoBaseIE):
	_TESTS = [{
		# JP13 (Tokyo)
		"url": "!/live/FMT",
		"info_dict": {
			"ext": "m4a",
			"live_status": "is_live",

			"id": "FMT",
			"title": "re:^TOKYO FM.+$",
			"alt_title": "TOKYO FM",
			"thumbnail": "",

			"channel": "TOKYO FM",
			"channel_id": "FMT",
			"channel_url": "",

			"uploader": "TOKYO FM",
			"uploader_id": "FMT",
			"uploader_url": "",
	}, {
		# JP1 (Hokkaido) - shorthand
		"url": "",
		"info_dict": {
			"ext": "m4a",
			"live_status": "is_live",

			"id": "NORTHWAVE",
			"title": "re:^FM NORTH WAVE.+$",
			"alt_title": "FM NORTH WAVE",
			"thumbnail": "",

			"uploader": "FM NORTH WAVE",
			"uploader_url": "",
			"uploader_id": "NORTHWAVE",

			"channel": "FM NORTH WAVE",
			"channel_url": "",
			"channel_id": "NORTHWAVE",
	}, {
		# ALL (all prefectures)
		# api still specifies a prefecture though, in this case JP13 (Tokyo), so that's what it auths as
		"url": "!/live/RN1",
		"info_dict": {
			"ext": "m4a",
			"live_status": "is_live",

			"id": "RN1",
			"title": "re:^ラジオNIKKEI第1.+$",
			"alt_title": "RADIONIKKEI",
			"thumbnail": "",

			"channel": "ラジオNIKKEI第1",
			"channel_url": "",
			"channel_id": "RN1",

			"uploader": "ラジオNIKKEI第1",
			"uploader_url": "",
			"uploader_id": "RN1",

	def _real_extract(self, url):
		station = self._match_id(url)
		region = self._get_station_region(station)
		station_meta = self._get_station_meta(region, station)
		auth_data = self._auth(region)
		formats = self._get_station_formats(station, False, auth_data)

		return {
			"is_live": True,
			"id": station,
			"formats": formats,

class RadikoTimeFreeIE(_RadikoBaseIE):
	_NETRC_MACHINE = "rajiko"
	_VALID_URL = r"https?://(?:www\.)?radiko\.jp/#!/ts/(?P<station>[A-Z0-9-_]+)/(?P<id>\d+)"
	_TESTS = [{
		"url": "!/ts/INT/20240809230000",
		"info_dict": {
			"live_status": "was_live",
			"ext": "m4a",
			"id": "INT-20240809230000",

			"title": "TOKYO MOON",
			"series": "Tokyo Moon",
			"description": "md5:20e68d2f400a391fa34d4e7c8c702cb8",
			"chapters": "count:14",
			"thumbnail": "",

			"upload_date": "20240809",
			"timestamp": 1723212000.0,
			"release_date": "20240809",
			"release_timestamp": 1723215600.0,
			"duration": 3600,

			"channel": "interfm",
			"channel_id": "INT",
			"channel_url": "",
			"uploader": "interfm",
			"uploader_id": "INT",
			"uploader_url": "",

			"cast": ["松浦\u3000俊夫"],
			"tags": ["松浦俊夫"],
	}, {
		# late-night/early-morning show to test broadcast day checking
		"url": "!/ts/TBS/20240810033000",
		"info_dict": {
			"live_status": "was_live",
			"ext": "m4a",
			"id": "TBS-20240810033000",

			"title": "CITY CHILL CLUB",
			"series": "CITY CHILL CLUB",
			"description": "md5:3fba2c1125059bed27247c0be90e58fa",
			"chapters": "count:22",
			"thumbnail": "",

			"upload_date": "20240809",
			"timestamp": 1723228200.0,
			"release_date": "20240809",
			"release_timestamp": 1723233600.0,
			"duration": 5400,

			"channel": "TBSラジオ",
			"channel_url": "",
			"channel_id": "TBS",
			"uploader": "TBSラジオ",
			"uploader_url": "",
			"uploader_id": "TBS",

			"tags": ["CCC905", "音楽との出会いが楽しめる", "人気アーティストトーク", "音楽プロデューサー出演", "ドライブ中におすすめ", "寝る前におすすめ", "学生におすすめ"],
			"cast": ["PES"],

	def _perform_login(self, username, password):
			login_info = self._download_json('', None, note='Logging in',
				data=urlencode_postdata({'mail': username, 'pass': password}))
			self._has_tf30 = '2' in login_info.get('privileges')
			# areafree = 1, timefree30 = 2, double plan = both
			self.write_debug({**login_info, "radiko_session": "PRIVATE", "member_ukey": "PRIVATE"})
		except ExtractorError as error:
			if isinstance(error.cause, HTTPError) and error.cause.status == 401:
				raise ExtractorError('Invalid username and/or password', expected=True)

	def _check_tf30(self):
		if self._has_tf30 is not None:
			return self._has_tf30
		if self._get_cookies('').get('radiko_session') is None:
		account_info = self._download_json('',
			None, note='Checking account status from cookies', expected_status=400)
		self.write_debug({**account_info, "user_key": "PRIVATE"})
		self._has_tf30 = account_info.get('timefreeplus') == '1'
		return self._has_tf30

	def _get_programme_meta(self, station_id, url_time):
		day = url_time.broadcast_day_string()
		meta = self._download_json(f"{day}/{station_id}.json", station_id,
			note="Downloading programme data")
		programmes = traverse_obj(meta, ("stations", lambda _, v: v["station_id"] == station_id,
			"programs", "program"), get_all=False)

		for prog in programmes:
			if prog["ft"] <= url_time.timestring() < prog["to"]:
				actual_start = rtime.RadikoSiteTime(prog["ft"])
				actual_end = rtime.RadikoSiteTime(prog["to"])

				if len(prog.get("person")) > 0:
					cast = [person.get("name") for person in prog.get("person")]
					cast = [prog.get("performer")]

				return {
					"id": join_nonempty(station_id, actual_start.timestring()),
					"timestamp": actual_start.timestamp(),
					"release_timestamp": actual_end.timestamp(),
					"cast": cast,
					"description": clean_html(join_nonempty("summary", "description", from_dict=prog, delim="\n")),
					**traverse_obj(prog, {
							"title": "title",
							"duration": "dur",
							"thumbnail": "img",
							"series": "season_name",
							"tags": "tag",
					)}, (actual_start, actual_end), int_or_none(prog.get("ts_in_ng")) != 2

	def _extract_chapters(self, station, start, end, video_id=None):
		api_url = update_url_query(f"{station}", {
			"start_time_gte": start.isoformat(),
			"end_time_lt": end.isoformat(),
		data = self._download_json(api_url, video_id, note="Downloading tracklist").get("data")

		chapters = []
		for track in data:
			artist = traverse_obj(track, ("artist", "name")) or track.get("artist_name")
				"title": join_nonempty(artist, track.get("title"), delim=" - "),
				"start_time": (datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(track.get("displayed_start_time")) - start).total_seconds(),

		return chapters

	def _real_extract(self, url):
		station, timestring = self._match_valid_url(url).group("station", "id")
		url_time = rtime.RadikoSiteTime(timestring)
		meta, times, available = self._get_programme_meta(station, url_time)
		live_status = "was_live"

		if not available:
			self.raise_no_formats("This programme is not available. If this is an NHK station, you may wish to try NHK Radiru.",
				video_id=meta["id"], expected=True)

		start = times[0]
		end = times[1]
		now =
		expiry_free, expiry_tf30 = end.expiry()

		if expiry_tf30 < now:
			self.raise_no_formats("Programme is no longer available.", video_id=meta["id"], expected=True)
		need_tf30 = expiry_free < now
		if need_tf30 and not self._check_tf30():
			self.raise_login_required("Programme is only available with a Timefree 30 subscription")
		elif start > now:
			self.raise_no_formats("Programme has not aired yet.", video_id=meta["id"], expected=True)
			live_status = "is_upcoming"
		elif start <= now < end:
			live_status = "is_upcoming"
			self.raise_no_formats("Programme has not finished airing yet.", video_id=meta["id"], expected=True)

		region = self._get_station_region(station)
		station_meta = self._get_station_meta(region, station)
		chapters = self._extract_chapters(station, start, end, video_id=meta["id"])
		auth_data = self._auth(region, need_tf30=need_tf30)
		formats = self._get_station_formats(station, True, auth_data, start_at=start, end_at=end, tf30_override=need_tf30)

		return {
			"alt_title": None,
			"chapters": chapters,
			"formats": formats,
			"live_status": live_status,
			"container": "m4a_dash",  # force fixup, AAC-only HLS

class RadikoSearchIE(InfoExtractor):
	_VALID_URL = r"https?://(?:www\.)?radiko\.jp/#!/search/(?:timeshift|live|history)\?"
	_TESTS = [{
		# timefree, specific area
		"url": "!/search/live?key=city%20chill%20club&filter=past&start_day=&end_day=&region_id=&area_id=JP13&cul_area_id=JP13&page_idx=0",
		"playlist_mincount": 4,
		"info_dict": {
			"id": "city chill club-past-all-JP13",
			"title": "city chill club",
	}, {
		# live/future, whole country
		"url": "!/search/live?key=%EF%BC%AE%EF%BC%A8%EF%BC%AB%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9&filter=future&start_day=&end_day=&region_id=all&area_id=JP13&cul_area_id=JP13&page_idx=0",
		"playlist_mincount": 8,
		"info_dict": {
			"id": "NHKニュース-future-all-all",
			"title": "NHKニュース",
	}, {
		# ludicrous amount of results (multi-page)
		"url": "!/search/live?key=%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9",
		"playlist_mincount": 100,
		"info_dict": {
			"id": "ニュース-all-all",
			"title": "ニュース"

	def _strip_date(self, date):
		return date.replace(" ", "").replace("-", "").replace(":", "")

	def _pagefunc(self, url, idx):
		url = update_url_query(url, {"page_idx": idx})
		data = self._download_json(url, None, note=f"Downloading page {idx+1}")

		return [self.url_result("!/ts/{station}/{time}".format(
				station = i.get("station_id"), time = self._strip_date(i.get("start_time"))))
			for i in data.get("data")]

	def _real_extract(self, url):
		url = url.replace("/#!/", "/!/", 1)
		# urllib.parse interprets the path as just one giant fragment because of the #, so we hack it away
		queries = parse_qs(url)

		search_url = update_url_query("", {
			"uid": "".join(random.choices("0123456789abcdef", k=32)),
			"app_id": "pc",
			"row_limit": 50,  # higher row_limit = more results = less requests = more good

		results = OnDemandPagedList(lambda idx: self._pagefunc(search_url, idx), 50)

		key = traverse_obj(queries, ("key", 0))
		day = traverse_obj(queries, ("start_day", 0)) or "all"
		region = traverse_obj(queries, ("region_id", 0)) or traverse_obj(queries, ("area_id", 0))
		status_filter = traverse_obj(queries, ("filter", 0)) or "all"

		playlist_id = join_nonempty(key, status_filter, day, region)

		return {
			"_type": "playlist",
			"title": traverse_obj(queries, ("key", 0)),
			"id": playlist_id,
			"entries": results,

class RadikoShareIE(InfoExtractor):
	_VALID_URL = r"https?://(?:www\.)?radiko\.jp/share/"
	_TESTS = [{
		# 29-hour time -> 24-hour time
		"url": "",
		"info_dict": {
			"live_status": "was_live",
			"ext": "m4a",
			"id": "FMT-20240803000000",  # the time given (24:00) works out to 00:00 the next day

			"title": "JET STREAM",
			"series": "JET STREAM",
			"description": "md5:c1a2172036ebb7a54eeafb47e0a08a50",
			"chapters": "count:9",
			"thumbnail": "",

			"upload_date": "20240802",
			"timestamp": 1722610800.0,
			"release_date": "20240802",
			"release_timestamp": 1722614100.0,
			"duration": 3300,

			"channel": "TOKYO FM",
			"channel_id": "FMT",
			"channel_url": "",
			"uploader": "TOKYO FM",
			"uploader_id": "FMT",
			"uploader_url": "",

			"cast": ["福山雅治"],
			"tags": ["福山雅治", "夜間飛行", "音楽との出会いが楽しめる", "朗読を楽しめる", "寝る前に聴きたい"],

	def _real_extract(self, url):
		queries = parse_qs(url)
		station = traverse_obj(queries, ("sid", 0))
		time = traverse_obj(queries, ("t", 0))
		time = rtime.RadikoShareTime(time).timestring()
		return self.url_result(f"!/ts/{station}/{time}", RadikoTimeFreeIE)

class RadikoStationButtonIE(InfoExtractor):
	_VALID_URL = r"https?://(?:www\.)?radiko\.jp/button-embed/live/"
	_EMBED_REGEX = [fr"<iframe[^>]+src=[\"'](?P<url>{_VALID_URL}[^\"']+)"]

	# supposedly it'll only allow a few stations from a few domains
	_TESTS = [{
		"url": "",
		"info_dict": {
			"ext": "m4a",
			'live_status': 'is_live',

			"id": "QRR",
			"title": "re:^文化放送.+$",
			'alt_title': 'JOQR BUNKA HOSO',
			'thumbnail': '',
			'channel': '文化放送',
			'channel_id': 'QRR',
			'channel_url': '',
			'uploader': '文化放送',
			'uploader_id': 'QRR',
			'uploader_url': '',


		"url": "",
		"info_dict": {
			"ext": "m4a",
			"live_status": "is_live",
			'id': 'CCL',
			"title": "re:^FM COCOLO.+$",
			'alt_title': 'FM COCOLO',
			'thumbnail': '',

			'channel': 'FM COCOLO',
			'channel_id': 'CCL',
			'channel_url': '',
			'uploader': 'FM COCOLO',
			'uploader_id': 'CCL',
			'uploader_url': '',

	def _real_extract(self, url):
		queries = parse_qs(url)
		station = traverse_obj(queries, ("station_id", 0))

		return self.url_result(f"!/live/{station}", RadikoLiveIE)

class RadikoPersonIE(InfoExtractor):
	_VALID_URL = r"https?://(?:www\.)?radiko\.jp/persons/(?P<id>\d+)"
	_TESTS = [{
		"url": "",
		"playlist_mincount": 10,
		"info_dict": {
			"id": "person-11421",
		"url": "",
		"params": {'extractor_args': {'rajiko': {'key_station_only': ['']}}},
		"playlist_count": 1,
		"info_dict": {
			"id": "person-11421",

	def _real_extract(self, url):
		person_id = self._match_id(url)

		now =

		min_start = (now - datetime.timedelta(days=30)).broadcast_day_start()
		# we set the earliest time as the earliest we can get (or at least, that it's possible to get),
		# so, the start of the broadcast day 30 days ago
		# that way we can get everything we can actually download, including stuff that aired at eg "26:00"

		person_api_url = update_url_query("", {
			"person_id": person_id,
			"start_at_gte": min_start.isoformat(),
			"start_at_lt": now.isoformat(),
		person_api = self._download_json(person_api_url, person_id)

		def entries():
			key_station_only = len(self._configuration_arg("key_station_only", ie_key="rajiko")) > 0
			for episode in person_api.get("data"):
				if key_station_only and episode.get("key_station_id") != episode.get("station_id"):

				share_url = traverse_obj(episode, ("radiko_url", ("pc", "sp", "android", "ios", "app"),
					{url_or_none}), get_all=False)
				# they're all identical share links at the moment (5th aug 2024) but they might not be in the future

				# predictions:
				# pc will probably stay the same
				# don't know what sp is, possibly "SmartPhone"?, anyway seems reasonably generic
				# android is easier for me to reverse-engineer than ios (no ithing)
				# i assume "app" would be some internal tell-it-to-do-something link, not a regular web link

				yield self.url_result(share_url, ie=RadikoShareIE, video_title=episode.get("title"))

		return self.playlist_result(entries(), playlist_id=join_nonempty("person", person_id))