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1 files changed, 65 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/macros/garret.ctrl-c-ctrl-v.lua b/macros/garret.ctrl-c-ctrl-v.lua
index 28902ce..04c994d 100644
--- a/macros/garret.ctrl-c-ctrl-v.lua
+++ b/macros/garret.ctrl-c-ctrl-v.lua
@@ -1,37 +1,85 @@
-script_name = "consistency assistant"
-script_description = "ctrl-c ctrl-v"
-script_version = "1.1.0"
+script_name = "Consistency Assistant"
+script_description = "ctrl-c ctrl-v and now ctrl-o"
+script_version = "1.2.0"
script_author = "garret"
script_namespace = "garret.ctrl-c-ctrl-v"
local haveDepCtrl, DependencyControl, depctrl = pcall(require, "l0.DependencyControl")
-local util
+local parser
if haveDepCtrl then
depctrl = DependencyControl({
+ {
+ {
+ "myaa.ASSParser",
+ version = "0.0.4", -- very sketch about this
+ url = "http://github.com/TypesettingTools/Myaamori-Aegisub-Scripts",
+ feed = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TypesettingTools/Myaamori-Aegisub-Scripts/master/DependencyControl.json",
+ optional = true,
+ },
+ },
+ parser = depctrl:requireModules()
-local function main(sub, sel)
- local src = {}
+--inspect = require "inspect"
+-- it looks more complicated than it is because of all the aegisub.log()s
+local function main(sub, is_recursion)
+ local clipboard = {}
for i = 1, #sub do
local line = sub[i]
if line.class == "dialogue" then
- if line.comment ~= true then
- local copy_name = line.effect:match("ctrl%-c ?([%S]*)")
- local paste_name = line.effect:match("ctrl%-v ?([%S]*)")
- if copy_name ~= nil then
- aegisub.log(5, "ctrl-c " .. copy_name .. ": " .. line.text .. "\n")
- src[copy_name] = src[copy_name] or {}
- table.insert(src[copy_name], line)
- elseif paste_name ~= nil then
- aegisub.log(5, "ctrl-v " .. paste_name .. ": " .. line.text .. "\n")
- line.text = src[paste_name][1].text
+ local op, name = line.effect:match("ctrl%-([cvo]) ?([%S]*)")
+ if op == "o" and parser ~= "nil" then -- o = open. check for parser or it wont work
+ clipboard["__imports"] = clipboard["__imports"] or {} -- declare field
+ clipboard["__imports"][name] = import(line.text)
+ elseif line.comment ~= true then
+ if op == "c" then
+ aegisub.log(5, 5, "ctrl-c " .. name .. ": " .. line.text .. "\n")
+ clipboard[name] = clipboard[name] or {}
+ table.insert(clipboard[name], line)
+ elseif op == "v" and is_recursion ~= true then -- don't want to affect the imported files (useless)
+ -- have to specifically check ~= true because normally it'd be sel, which is a table of numbers (not nil/false)
+ local file, slash, capture = name:match("([^%s/]+)(/?)([%S]*)") -- match filename/capture
+ local clippings -- names = anything not a space or a /
+ aegisub.log(5, file.."/"..capture.."\n")
+ aegisub.log(5, "slash: "..slash.."\n")
+ if slash ~= "" and parser ~= nil then
+ clippings = clipboard["__imports"][file][capture]
+ aegisub.log(5, "clippings = clipboard[\"__imports\"][\""..file.."\"][\""..capture.."\"]\n")
+ else
+ clippings = clipboard[file] or {line} -- error handling if the clipboard doesnt exist or parser isnt there
+ aegisub.log(5, "clippings = clipboard[\""..file.."\"]\n")
+ end
+ aegisub.log(5, "ctrl-v " .. name .. ": " .. line.text .. "\n")
+-- aegisub.log(5, inspect(clippings).."\n")
+ line.text = clippings[1].text
sub[i] = line
- table.remove(src[paste_name], 1)
+ table.remove(clippings, 1)
+ aegisub.progress.set(i / #sub * 100)
+ end
+-- aegisub.log(5, inspect(clipboard).."\n")
+ return clipboard
+function import(path)
+--local function import(path)
+ if parser then
+ aegisub.log(5, "recursing\n")
+ local f = io.open(aegisub.decode_path(path), "r")
+ local sub = parser.parse_file(f).events
+ f:close()
+ local clipboard = main(sub, true)
+ aegisub.log(5, "recursion complete\n")
+ return clipboard
+ else
+ aegisub.log(1, "You don't appear to have myaa.ASSParser, which is required for including other files.\n")
+ aegisub.log(1, "The script will continue, but any includes you've specified won't work.\n")
+ return {}